Jacob - Ashlee - Kylee - Justin

Jacob - Ashlee - Kylee - Justin

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I shoe do love you

Justin and I love coming by the station whenever Spencer is working. But as firemen do, when the call comes in... they rush out. They don't wear their boots around the station, so in the few seconds they have to jump on the truck, they leave their other shoes next to the truck and put their boots on along the way. I thought it was funny to see pairs of shoes laying there in the empty warehouse. But before we left, I had to put a couple of love notes in his shoes. We sure do love him and are so proud of the work he does to help others.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

February Hearts

Well it took me forever to publish that last post, but the pictures were just too cute not to.
I'm really bad at keeping up with blogging. I've actually been creating notes on Facebook because most of my pictures are already loaded on there but I will try to keep up with this from now on.
First of all, we ended up naming our baby Justin Spencer Inman. I like to call him Baby J.

There's no way to catch up on the last 8 months (I can't believe he is that old already) so I will just keep going from here.

Here is our latest family picture